March 7, 2010 – At the annual meeting of the Forest Hill Park Homeowners Association members overwhelmingly approved the plan of selling the pavilion property located at 17 Apple Lane.  Members agree that reducing the cost of insurance and taxes while potentially raising funds for park improvements is the best way to proceed.  As a next step the Board will look to list the property while determining the best way to structure the sale in the long run.  The objective is to make the most profit for the park while reducing risk to the Association.

Meeting participants from all over the park voiced exciting suggestions as to how the proceeds from the sale could be used.  While the sale will likely be many months away, the Board will be looking to form a committee of members to investigate and prioritize the options.  Certainly, one option will be to distribute the money amongst the membership.  Once the proposals are complete and the sale is pending, a meeting to review proposals and vote on the the disposition of the funds will be scheduled.