Heart ScopeWEST MILFORD — Hillcrest Community Center Gym will be the site of the second annual Health and Wellness Fair on Saturday, May 31, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

This is a free event, sponsored by the West Milford Lions Club and the West Milford Nurses Division, and will feature local health providers, screenings, refreshments, and much more.

This is a one-stop venue featuring the programs and services of the Nurses Division and area health and wellness professionals. The event will provide information and services to help you and your family. Free screenings will be provided for amblyopia, blood pressure, children’s dental care, hearing, and more. Consultations with a nurse practitioner, a pharmacist for prescription drug interactions, a physical therapist for balance issues, a nutritionist for healthy eating, a chiropractor, and a podiatrist, to name a few, will also be available. Zumba and yoga demonstrations will also take place.

Information will be available to promote awareness about communicable diseases, diabetes, oral cancer, Lyme Disease, and much more.

The Lions Club will be recycling eyeglasses so bring used glasses and sun glasses to donate. Community agencies will be on hand to introduce their specialized services. There will also be face painting for kids, and an ambulance and fire truck for visitors to check out. Come and learn about ways to care for your health. (From the West Milford Messenger)

For details, see the Health and Wellness Fair 2014 Flyer