StitchHomeForest Hill Park will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 2:00pm in the park office.  All homeowners are encouraged to attend.  If you cannot attend, please complete and return the proxy statement and ballot included in the announcement you will be receiving by mail. The Board of Trustees looks forward to seeing everyone there as this is an excellent opportunity to share information and get your feedback on important issues.


Vena Talevski, Feb 28, 2017

To all members of the Board,

Thanks again for your time and effort throughout the entire year!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to recap a few suggestions that were made at the annual meeting:
1. Implement term limits for officer positions.
2. Change voting requirements to allow voting to take place without minimum in person and proxies required. It’s fair to say in the past 17 years the current voting requirement hasn’t been met, so this needs to be changed to be a realistic and achievable process.
3. Proxy forms should be changed to ensure our selections can not be tampered with. Current empty boxes utilized can easily be filled in by another party.

Again, our common goal is to ensure all interested members can have the opportunity to hold an officer position. Our neighborhood belongs to everyone and everyone should have a fair chance to hold office. We all want FHP to be the best it can be!

Admin, Feb 23, 2017

The By-Laws specify that the members elect the Board and the Board elects it’s own officers. All officers have the right to run for any position. The Board elects officers at the Board meeting following the general election. So that will be the March meeting in this case.

Vena Talevski, Feb 23, 2017


On the OFFICIAL BALLOT, it lists the names of the nominees but not the positions that each are interested in. Are we to assume they want their current positions for 2017? I would think that we should give all the nominees an opportunity to hold a different position if this is something they are interested in. Please advise if this information is available. As it will be helpful in the selection process.

Thank you!

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