Please review the following before pressing Process Reservation below. Any reservations that do not comply with the following guidelines will be removed from the calendar.
To hold an event at the picnic area, you must be a member in good standing
You must specify your name, telephone number (mobile is preferred) and email address on the reservation form
You must indicate how many guests you will be hosting. If you have twenty-five (25) guests or more, you must hire a a licensed life guard. A copy of the lifeguard certification must be submitted to the Board Secretary at least one week prior to the event. You can email a PDF file to or place a copy in the park mailbox
By submitting this reservation you agree to be responsible for all park property used by guests and to ensure that the area is cleaned of trash, decorations, etc at the end of the event. All trash and recycling must be brought back to the member household for disposal. The picnic area and beach are carry-in, carry-out areas
Please note that the reservation is designed to prevent multiple large parties from occurring on the same day, but individual members may still elect to use the beach and picnic facilities. Any conflicts as a result of self-posting an event must be worked out by the individual members involved.