ballo[1]The Board has clarified and expanded the Trustee Qualifications and Election Procedures for the Association. The By-Laws provide very high level guidelines for the annual election of the Board of Trustees. Based on member feedback from last year’s election, state law and best practices of other homeowners associations, a resolution has been passed in alignment with the By-Laws. This resolution enumerates the qualifications required to be a Trustee and  provides detailed procedures for conducting an election. Some highlights of the resolution include:

  • Trustees must be deed holding members of the Association and their accounts must be in good standing
  • Signature Documents will be implemented to better authenticate proxies and ballots. These will also be useful for other Association business
  • A combined proxy statement and ballot will be provided which will be easier to understand and better controlled than prior versions
  • An independent third-party inspector will be retained for each election to ensure the voting is confidential (along with the ability to waive the inspection and its associated cost for uncontested elections)
  • Clear and detailed voting procedures are included so as to minimize ambiguity and confusion during the election process

The complete resolution can be found in the Member Information section. Please be aware that Signature Document sessions are being scheduled. Members will need to come and complete their Signature Documents which will be kept on file with the Association. These documents must be completed for any member that intends to vote by proxy or in person at the Annual Meeting. Additional information on this along with the complete schedule of sessions will be posted in the next few days. As always, your feedback is appreciated. Please provide feedback or submit questions by commenting directly on this announcement.

The Board of Trustees


One Comment

Joe Di Paola, Feb 28, 2017

To: Forest Hill Park Board
Re: Spring Clean-up and Reserving Club House
The Spring 2017 Clean-up is scheduled for May 6, 2017. This is the same day as our granddaughter’s (Jianna) Communion. Please inform us of what jobs we can do to to participate in the clean-up.
Also we would like to reserve the Club House and Beach for August 5, 2017 with a rain date of August 6. Please contact us with the details on how to proceed.
Thank You
Joe and Donna Di Paola

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