The Annual Meeting of the Forest Hill Park Homeowners Association is this coming Sunday at 2:00pm. If you cannot attend the meeting, please remember to complete your proxy and leave it in the Association mailbox. If you are attending in person, it is not necessary to complete your proxy.
Along with your proxy statement, you should have received a ballot to elect the Board of Trustees. In addition to the existing Board members listed on your ballot, there are three candidates who have expressed interest in serving. If you wish to vote for any of them, please write their names below the ones listed and place a check mark beside it. The three candidates are (in alphabetical order):
- Brian Arata, Berry Lane
- Gabriela Grygus, Peach Lane
- Bekir Osman, Peach Lane
You should vote for nine (9) Board members in total. Please remember that to be eligible to vote at the annual meeting, your account must be fully paid by Thursday, February 19, 2015 which is three (3) days prior to the Annual Meeting as specified in Article III, Section 8 of the By-Laws. Signed proxies and ballots must be received by Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 2:00pm in the Association mailbox which is twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting as specified in Article II, Section 8 of the By-Laws. Please contact the Board Secretary at (973) 846-4025 x500 or comment on this post if you have any questions or need additional information.
Currently the Board consists of nine (9) members. So vote for nine (9).
How many people do we need to vote for?
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